-communicating a little more. His new signs include baby, bath, butterfly. He will try to imitate most signs I show him also. However, he rarely tries to say anything I say!
-still grunts all the time! He will try to tell us things by grunting.
-still loves to give hugs and cuddles, and is so sweet and snuggly when he actually stops moving for a few minutes.
-still kisses me with zverberts (sp?). But, they are only reserved for me. He rarely kisses anyone else.
-loves his sister, and is playing really well with her!
-loves his sister, and is fighting really well with her!
-still wears mostly 18 month size clothes.
-loves to run, jump, spin, and dance.
-says "Daddy" more clearly than any other word.
-eats pretty well, but it varies from day to day. His favorites still include bread, cheese, yogurt, cucumbers, raisins, grapes, bananas, chicken, pretzels, frozen veggies, or anything that Kathryn leaves behind that he thinks he's not supposed to have!
-takes one afternoon nap each day, from about 1:00-3:00 (although often it's shorter).
-goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, and has recently been sleeping till about 8:00 (since the time change...woohoo!!!).
-gets very excited to see his family and friends, but still cries when we drop him off in childcare at church (but only for a minute; then he's fine).
-will hold our hands when we ask him to.
-will sit in time out when he's being disciplined.
-will hug his sister (or others) to say he's sorry after being disciplined.
-can point to his head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, tongue, tummy, and piggies (toes) when asked.
-loves to take a bath and asks to take one every night before bed (by signing "bath").
-is still a screamer and has a very strong will that we are working on!
-has a great sense of humor, and will do silly things just to make people laugh!
We love you, Jackson! You are such a joy to us, and we pray that God will continue to shape you into a little man who loves Him and shines for Him!