Hi friends and family! So, after much consideration, we decided to give this blogspot thing a try. We figured it'd be a good way to keep many people updated on our lives. We hope that you enjoy reading about what's going on with us, sharing in our thoughts and contemplations, and of course getting updates on the baby soon! Please let us know if you are interested in reading this, and I promise we'll do our best to keep somewhat current (especially with baby news!). Of course, this is never to be a substitute for other forms of contact, such as e-mails, letters, phone calls, and visits! So let's hold each other accountable to keep those up as well.
We also thought you'd all enjoy a more recent picture of us. This was taken this summer when we got to go to Orlando to visit our special friends Krisha and Brian. We spent part of one day walking around Universal's City Walk (the part you get into for free with various shops and eating places). As soon as we get to a scanner, we'll post some more recent pictures of our baby girl too. But for now, here she is as well. Enjoy, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Hi sweetheart! You definitely look good and have that special "glow" about you that people say some pregnant women have. Wow, they never had this kind of stuff when I was your age!
Putting the pictures on is great, but they are very tiny. Can you make them bigger? Love you guys! Mom
what a cute girl! i think she has her daddy's golf swing.
We think blogging is terrific...keep it up! We love hearing how you're doing and can't wait for you to join the parenting club. (c:
Beautiful baby, beautiful couple!! We can't wait to see the pictures once s/he's here (do we know boy/girl yet?). Any names picked out?
Talk to you soon!!
~Lydia Will
Hey special friends! Do we get a prize if we know when that pix was taken? We are excited that you know it's a girl and we are stoked that you will be parents soon! You can give us tips when that time comes around. :) We miss you! Cristen, you are a beautiful pregnant woman! and Johnny..... well, you're not pregant, but Zoe sure likes you. hehe
Team Whited
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