Oh, I have been so terrible lately at updating! I apologize! Anyway, the fact that Jackson was 10 months old last week and I haven't posted about it is bothering me, but I also realized that I hadn't taken many pictures lately, so am waiting to get some more recent pics of him before posting (which of course means also loading them on the computer). But, for now, I figured an update on our sweet girl was in order, since she was officially two-and-a-half on July 5th!.

I am not even sure where to start with her. She is growing so much now, and is officially a little girl (no baby!). Here is a creation of hers I came upon the other day...her imagination has really taken off, and although I'm not sure what all these characters were doing here, I know that she was intention in their placements.

Oops, this pic is sideways. But here she is in her first "dress-up" clothes. Well, her first official ones, at least. She felt so pretty! (Notice the fancy high heels too!)

She has also taken to one of her baby dolls. She has named her Elizabeth, and carries her around in a little backpack/sling thing. She takes such good care of her. Her other baby's/friend's name is Kaya.
Swinging with daddy on the tire swing.

A few weeks ago, we were in Harrisonburg for a visit. On Sunday, my sister Ali was in a horse show at my Aunt Darlene's farm. So, we went by to watch her show. They opened a Tot Lead Line class, so Kathryn got to participate. It was her first show. Can you tell if she liked it or not?

My/our cousin Joey led the pony while I walked with her. He did a great job!

Kathryn won a blue ribbon! The judge said the class was too close to call, so all riders walked away with blue ribbons. Kathryn was soooo proud of herself!

Showing it off for all to see...

Her cousin Payton was in the class as well. How cute is that?!?

Wee, no hands!

It was so cool to watch Ali show. She did a great job! She won a blue ribbon in this jumping class (that had tons of riders in it!)!!

I love this photo of her...look in the direction of the next jump. Great job!

Kathryn has been working out. Gotta build up those muscles so she can hold her own as Jackson gets bigger!

Showing her muscles. She's so strong!!

Some other fun/random facts:
-She is a pickier eater than she ever has been, but still loves more foods than most kids her age. Some of her favorites include: peas, black olives, cherry tomatoes, grilled cheese, spaghetti (with the sauce), sweet tea (the kid chugs it when she gets the chance), popsicles, strawberry ice cream, oatmeal, raisins, and cinnamon raisin bread.
-She loves to sing. Her two favorite songs right now are Amazing Grace and Jesus Loves Me. She will randomly break into song throughout the day, and I love it. She also amazes me at the songs she knows.
-She can quote a few Bible verses from memory: Eph. 6:1 and Prov. 3:5-6
-She loves to teach Jackson new things (as well as to boss him around and tell him when he's not supposed to be doing something).
-She still sleeps with her lovey, whom she loves dearly. She also likes to have blankets to snuggle with when she sleeps.
-She loves to play with other kids, and gets really excited when we go somewhere that has a nursery/childcare.
-She loves it when mommy and daddy go on a date!