Some other things our ONE year old can do:
-clapping! He is a very enthusiastic clapper!
-dancing. He's getting into music more and more.
-standing. Even though he can't walk by himself yet, he can stand for pretty long periods. He also cruises all over the place still.
-screaming. He loves to have screetching matches with his sister!
-blowing/tooting horns. He's really good at playing Kathryn's pretend trumpet and harmonica! We were proud of him for figuring that out!
-blowing kisses!
-lovin'. He's very sweet, and will sweetly put his head against someone/something to "give them love". He does this to people, toys, and babies in books.
-His favorite foods include bread, Cheerios, puffs, and baked ziti. He also downed some asparagus tonight. He's getting picky about what he'll eat, and even if he's eating a particular food well, if he gets or sees something more appealing, he will refuse the first food for the rest of the meal and only eat the "better" of the foods. We have to be careful about what he sees when he's eating so he gets enough of the good stuff. We're also trying to transition out of baby food, giving him pieces of food instead. However, he still seems to often prefer the baby food texture, or will at least eat more/better when it's in pureed form (even though we try not to make it super thin).
-He's down to nursing twice a day now. I am so proud of him for making it to a year. My goal was to nurse him at least one year, and I am so thankful that we've made it this far!
He goes to the doctor for his checkup on Friday, so I'll post his stats then. Happy Birthday to our Buddy!!
I can't believe how big he's gotten! Great pics!
Happy Birthday Jackson! And way to go mama for making it to one year nursing.
Happy Birthday, Jackson! Wow! That year flew by!
Hope you had a great Birthday Jackson! He looks a lot like Kathryn in that first picture!!!!
Umm, honey, he is going to tip that chair over on that concrete sidewalk and bust his little head wide open. I know that you are a good and careful mother, but that picture made me REALLY nervous.
No way! You mean to tell me that's what I have to look forward to so soon? How come I don't remember the time passing so fast with the first two?
Oh Cristen....I am SOOO sorry, I just read my post and it sounds sooo, icky in your face rude. You know I'm not like that...guess that's why you never asked me about it. I meant to say, Ummm, honey, "IM AFRAID HE MIGHT" tip that chair over and bust his little head, not that "he is going to" Sorry, but, what happens to them is just like what happened to you all to me, and being 2 hours away makes it hard sometimes. Love you!
Happy Birthday big boy!
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