Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Update-Amnio Done

First of all, a few pictures from our ultrasound today. Baby keeps getting cuter and cuter!

What do you think, does it look like a boy or a girl??? :)

So, the amnio was this morning. My nerves were worse than the actual pain itself! I wasn't totally freaked out, just a little nervous about it all (and I've always had a hard time being able to turn my nerves completely off!). But, the test was pretty easy in and of itself. We should hear some results by the end of the week, and get the full results back by middle to end of next week. Of course, we will keep you all updated on that. Other than that, the doctor said that we really should be ready for Baby to come anytime now. I am not dilated at all, but when you have so much fluid, you could go into labor at any time. So, now I am trying to not freak out about how much there is to do and just do a little at a time and trust God for His timing!

Honestly, I am not sure what to pray as far as test results. So we are just praying for God's will for this precious little one, and trusting Him! Thanks for joining us in prayer. We feel so loved and prayed for.

And, just for fun, here's a picture of me from yesterday, Easter Sunday. Yes, I am measuring well beyond full term! Johnny's comment: "Well, at least we know what you'd look like with twins!" (hehe, I told you I'd put it on the blog...!)


Friday, April 22, 2011

Crashing Down

Normally this blog is about our family (mostly the kids), a way to keep family and friends updated (especially those who aren't close by). We intend to keep it this way, but have an added purpose to it now. Really, it still falls in line with our original purpose, but may seem a bit more focused on updating (and not so much of the little pictures and anecdotes as usual). Anyway...on Wednesday afternoon, when I came home, I discovered the above. One of the trees in our front yard had half fallen, brought down by the wind. I found it interesting that it was almost symbolic of the day....

I was arriving home after a doctor's appointment. On Monday, I had an ultrasound to check on Baby, since I was now measuring large. That's when they discovered I had extra amniotic fluid, and a few other concerns with Baby. Here's a picture from that day. Isn't it so cute?!?
At the appointment with the high risk doctor on Wednesday, they confirmed the excess fluid, and found several things of concern. The baby also has fluid in its lateral ventricles of the brain. The normal amount is less than 10mm. The left side had 13mm, and the right side had 21mm. Anything over 20 is considered hydrocephaly. We don't know exactly what this means for Baby once it's born, but it may mean a shunt will need to be placed to drain the fluid. Baby's head circumference isn't measuring large so far, so that's good news. They also found several other things of concern, including baby's size, eye spacing, abdominal size, chin, and possibly clubbed feet (although they now think not). Basically, they think that something may be going on with Baby, but aren't sure what. We have an amniocentesis scheduled for Monday morning, which will help us determine if it's a chromosomal abnormality, and if so, which one. It could also be a genetic issue, neurological issue, or digestive issue. The truth is, we truly won't know the full picture until Baby is born. So, in the meantime, we are closely monitoring Baby (and me) with twice weekly doctors appointments, ultrasounds, and non-stress tests. And then Baby will have further testing once it arrives (at least for the hydrocephaly, if nothing else). We should know a little more once the results come back from the amnio.

It's a lot for us to process, and still all so very new. We really feel like it's a great big question mark in many regards. We hope to be able to use this blog to keep you all updated as to our newest little one, as well as continue posts on our other bigger ones too! (Easter pictures will be soon!) So, back to the beginning, with the tree that came crashing down on Wednesday. In a sense, a lot came crashing down on us that day. Not our whole entire world...I know the news could have been much worse, and I know plenty of people who are dealing with some very big issues in life right now. But, at the same time, it's always daunting to hear that something could be wrong with your child, whether it's a baby in utero, or a grown child. However, we know that our God is big, and He is good, and nothing is out of His hands. I praise Him for how He is already taking care of our sweet little baby, and already has an amazing plan for his/her life. I know that He has us in the palm of His hands, too, and that His grace will carry us through, whatever may come.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Third Time's the Charm

So, I have been a horrible blogger lately...just no energy, I suppose! And I've been especially bad about updating about this pregnancy. So, Third Child, this one's for you!

These belly shots are from about 31 weeks along. I am definitely bigger this time around. In fact, I've got an ultrasound scheduled for next week to check on Baby since I am measuring large now. We'll see what that determines!
Most people say that I am "all belly", which leads most people to guess it's a boy. But, that's how I carried the other two as well, and as we all know, only one was a boy! Kathryn, however, is pretty convinced it's a girl (partly due to her Aunt KK!). Jackson changes his mind every time we ask him, so his opinion isn't valid at this point! Here are a few other random facts about this pregnancy:

-It gets harder every time! I definitely feel more aches and pains this time around.
-This is by far the most active baby I've carried. I felt it the earliest, and feel more movement, and crazy, big movements, than I did with the other two.
-The baby likes to wake up as I go to bed, and whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, it will often wake up as well.
-The baby seems to respond to Kathryn's voice when she talks to it.
-If it's not clear already, we are waiting to find out the gender till Baby is born! (We found out with the other two, but decided to wait this time!)
-My cravings have been pasta, soda, fruit with cottage cheese, bagels with creme cheese, orange slices, and chocolate! (Any guesses as to the gender based on cravings??)
-We CAN'T WAIT to meet this little one!!!