Yep, the rumors are true...we're expecting! Kathryn, at just 13 months of age, is a proud big sister! She is already excited, as she absolutely loves babies. Whenever we ask her where the baby is, she'll point to my stomach and then give it a hug. She also loves to give the ultrasound picture a kiss and hug. I'm just hoping that she'll still feel the same way when the baby is actually here and steals some of her thunder! I'm sure she'll be a great big sister!
I am currently 9 weeks along, which means the baby is due September 20th. We're hoping it cooperates with the UVA football schedule and doesn't come on a weekend of a home game! :) The two kids will be about 20 months apart. We were quite surprised by the news, but are also excited for God's plan for our lives and how He is working in our family. So, thanks for sharing in our exciting news, and we'll be sure to keep you updated on this new little one too!
Yay!!! Congratulations to all 3 of you :)
YAY I get to be an AUNT again!!!! Love you SISTER!!! And of course, Johnny and Kathryn and the new little bean too!!!
Congratulations you guys!! It's a winner either way, a sister and BF for Kathryn or a Josiah Sink. :-)
Can't wait to meet him or her; are you going to find out??
Soooo excited for you guys. My sister and I are only 15 months apart and I love having a sibling so close in age! I will be praying for you as you progress. :) Keep us updated!
Love and prayers,
Karen :)
ps - Sorry I have not emailed you back yet, thank you for your email and I promise I will write back soon! :)
YAY!!! Congratulations guys! We are so excited for you. I love the little arm and legs buds. What a cutey already :)
Yes, indeed great aunt for the third time. All right! I now have a google account so I can email comments from the sunshine state.
What a great surprise!! I'm sure Kathryn will make such a good big sister. Congrats!
Congrats you guys! I'm excited for you two!
wow!!! we are so excited for you guys. praise the Lord for this new life. xoxoxo..
I am super excited to see you soon... and that you are having Sink #2 of 12? Praise God for babies.... I love them!
How awesome! We will be keeping you in our prayers! The pregnancy, and having 2 under 2! WOW!
Yay. I going to be a GREAT aunt again. I am soooooooooooo excited. Can't wait. Love all of you.
Awwww! :) Congrats! :)
Yaaaay!! I'm so excited for you guys!! What great news!!
What exciting news! Congratulations!
congratulations! that's so exciting!!! hope you are doing well!
congrats to the sink's! :) i can't believe it. you will be a busy (and very cute) family! will be praying for the pregnancy for sure.
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