Friday, October 30, 2009


So, I've been thinking lately, about lots of things. Mostly about how to make a lot of money at home, without sacrificing a lot of time with my kids! :) Hey, just being honest here. I feel like I always have things on my mind, and I love to write (a.k.a. think out loud), so I've been thinking about a mom blog. You know, one without so many pictures/stories of just my kids, but of many other things associated with being a mom in general, with being a wife, with running a home, etc. Any thoughts? I know it would be so wildly successful, and have thousands of followers, and just rake in the money so that not only would our family be provided for, but that we could also be able to bless others. :) So, what do you think, my faithful three readers? :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

13 month old Jackson

Today Jackson is 13 months old! Here are lots of fun pictures, and a little of what he's up to these days...

We took him to get his one year old pictures done last week (a little late, but he was still 12 months old, so it counts!). These pictures are from that photo session. He did really well! We got some with Kathryn too, but those will be for another post.

In this first picture, you can see him doing something he loves to do: clap! Anytime we say "yay" or "good boy!" he will clap his hands, or anytime he hears people clapping. He'll also clap whenever we start singing "If you're happy and you know it..."

He also enjoyed climbing on the block while getting his picture taken. He still loves to climb on any and everything. We have to be careful and watch him with low chairs and boxes, because we'll turn around and he's on top of them!
You may notice he looks a little different in these pics. That's because last week we got his hair cut! He was starting to get pretty shaggy, and it got to be beyond me (as in, more than just a little trim over the ears or with the bangs). He looks like such a big boy now!

I couldn't get these last two pictures to turn around, but wanted to include them anyway because they're funny. He's learned to stick his tongue out when we tell him too, and it's so funny looking! He looks like such a stinker when he does it!

We've also been working on pointing out parts of his body. The only one he knows right now is his head. So here he is demonstrating!
He loves to pretend to talk on the phone, and whenever he hears it ring, or when we say "Hello?" like we're answering the phone, he'll make the motion (whether he has a phone or an object in his hand or not).
He's still very vocal, and has been babbling in even more "baby language". So it sounds even more like he's communicating, in more complex sounds than just "baba" or "dada" or "gaga". It's fun, and I can't wait until I actually understand all the things that he's telling me!
He goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, and still wakes up sometime in the 6:00 hour. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after I feed him then, and sometimes not.
If he doesn't go back to bed after that early waking, he will still take a morning nap. If he does go back to sleep and sleeps for a good while (till at least 7:30), then he sometimes can go without his morning nap.
He naps in the afternoon around 1:00, but usually only for an hour or so. I am lucky to get any longer than that.
He still isn't walking, but has taken a few steps when prompted/tricked into doing so!
He is eating more and more table food, but can still be kind of picky as to what he'll take. His favorites right now are cheese, bread, Cheerios (still), goldfish, and anything his sister has!
He is down to nursing just once now, in the early morning.
He wears mostly 18 month size tops, but is kind of in between sizes in pants. Most of the 18 month pants are a little long and are too big in the waist. However, some of the 12 month pants are kind of short. Hopefully he'll grow into the bigger size soon!
He's really into reading now. He loves touch and feel books, and we have a great time snuggling and reading after his naptime.
He dances anytime he hears any kind of music.
He loves to wrestle, push chairs around, screech, growl, play outside in the dirt, and pull Kathryn's hair.

EDIT: I forgot to add two important things! Jackson now has 5 teeth (and another one about to come through), and the most important, his new word! Yes, Jackson can now bark like a dog ("woof"). Anytime he sees a dog (real or picture) or hears the word dog, he very dutifully says, "Woof!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jackson's Birthday Party

So, I was [unintentionally] shamed by my sister-in-law when she posted about Jackson's birthday party before I got around to doing it. What kind of mom am I?!? :) So, that got me motivated to go ahead and share with you all the pictures from his special day!

We actually ended up celebrating with family and a few friends on the 20th, which is 3 days before his actual birthday. It went against everything in me to celebrate before he was actually born. I kept thinking, "A year ago today he still wasn't born!" But, it's the date that worked best for everybody involved, so I had to put aside my type-A tendencies and go with it!

We had a blast with everybody, although Jackson wasn't too sure about waking up from his nap to a house full of people. He was very clingy to me the whole afternoon, but I didn't mind... :)

Here he is opening his presents. He had some help...
His eyelashes look really long in this pic.
With the cake... "I think I'll just touch it..."
Once everybody started laughing at him, he realized he had an audience, and he didn't disappoint his adoring fans!

Sharing with Uncle Ronnie...
Loving all the attention!
"This makes you laugh? I'll do it again!"
He started throwing the cake, which of course made everyone laugh harder. Pretty soon, we had cake everywhere, even the walls, but he was having a great time!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Just before we were getting ready to go inside yesterday after a delightful time of playing outside:
Me: "Kathryn, you have a really cool looking bug on your shirt." Me, pointing it out to her, on the front of her shirt just below her neckline.
Kathryn: "Oh! Yeah! I like it!!!"

Kathryn, to Jackson about ten times a day, when she's trying to encourage him: "There you go, Buddy!"

Jackson: "Muh!" This was his attempt at counting.

Kathryn (to me while I was, umm, in the bathroom): "Mommy, you need some private-seat?"

Thursday, October 08, 2009

And the winner is....

So, first, I apologize for the late announcement. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

So, the winner of the first ever Photo Caption Contest? Congratulations to Andrew, Naomi, and Madeline for the winning caption:

"Jackson, stop crying before mommy finds out that I took your food."

I definitely laughed the most at this one, as it is a very real issue in our house on a daily basis. Your prize? Well, winning, of course! :) I know, pretty lame, but that's all I got for now. Maybe someday I'll actually have a real, live prize of some sort, or a giveaway, or something. But for now, the satisfaction of winning will have to do...

Friday, October 02, 2009

Photo Caption Contest

Because the coolest blogs have contests, and I've never had one before, I had to do something. So, here it very first contest! The best caption for this photo wins. What do you win, you might ask? Well, hmmmm, that's a great question. While you will certainly be honored and receive numerous accolades, I cannot guarantee that you will actually win something of, say, monetary value. However, the sheer satisfaction of having been a winner will be enough, I am sure. So, with that being said, here is the photo. Name away. The contest will close on Monday evening at 8p.m. and the winner will be announced, well, once I choose one! Have fun!