We took him to get his one year old pictures done last week (a little late, but he was still 12 months old, so it counts!). These pictures are from that photo session. He did really well! We got some with Kathryn too, but those will be for another post.
In this first picture, you can see him doing something he loves to do: clap! Anytime we say "yay" or "good boy!" he will clap his hands, or anytime he hears people clapping. He'll also clap whenever we start singing "If you're happy and you know it..."

We've also been working on pointing out parts of his body. The only one he knows right now is his head. So here he is demonstrating!

He loves to pretend to talk on the phone, and whenever he hears it ring, or when we say "Hello?" like we're answering the phone, he'll make the motion (whether he has a phone or an object in his hand or not).
He's still very vocal, and has been babbling in even more "baby language". So it sounds even more like he's communicating, in more complex sounds than just "baba" or "dada" or "gaga". It's fun, and I can't wait until I actually understand all the things that he's telling me!
He goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, and still wakes up sometime in the 6:00 hour. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after I feed him then, and sometimes not.
If he doesn't go back to bed after that early waking, he will still take a morning nap. If he does go back to sleep and sleeps for a good while (till at least 7:30), then he sometimes can go without his morning nap.
He naps in the afternoon around 1:00, but usually only for an hour or so. I am lucky to get any longer than that.
He still isn't walking, but has taken a few steps when prompted/tricked into doing so!
He is eating more and more table food, but can still be kind of picky as to what he'll take. His favorites right now are cheese, bread, Cheerios (still), goldfish, and anything his sister has!
He is down to nursing just once now, in the early morning.
He wears mostly 18 month size tops, but is kind of in between sizes in pants. Most of the 18 month pants are a little long and are too big in the waist. However, some of the 12 month pants are kind of short. Hopefully he'll grow into the bigger size soon!
He's really into reading now. He loves touch and feel books, and we have a great time snuggling and reading after his naptime.
He dances anytime he hears any kind of music.
He loves to wrestle, push chairs around, screech, growl, play outside in the dirt, and pull Kathryn's hair.
EDIT: I forgot to add two important things! Jackson now has 5 teeth (and another one about to come through), and the most important, his new word! Yes, Jackson can now bark like a dog ("woof"). Anytime he sees a dog (real or picture) or hears the word dog, he very dutifully says, "Woof!"
What a big boy! He looks like he might be walking very soon. He's doing so much. Great pictures!
Love the new pics! We have some of Aubrey for you!!!!! Can't believe how big J is getting
We took him to get his one year old pictures done last week (a little late, but he was still 12 months old, so it counts!)
You ARE your mother's daughter, aren't you? :-)
SO BIG! I love the block pictures. He looks so handsome!
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