He's totally into mohawks (or just deals with it when we have fun with him in the tub...).
He also climbs all the time, and has even gotten a renewed love for climbing anything and everything. Chairs are always a favorite. It's actually quite funny to see how he works himself up on a chair. He grabs the far end, wiggles his bottom and legs to shimmy up while pulling with his arms.
This particular day he was very excited to discover that there were two water bottle cases stacked on top of each other. What a great thing to climb!
His eating remains unpredictable. Sometimes he eats like crazy, other times he's picky and won't eat much at all. Some favorites include: avocado with yogurt, oatmeal, frozen veggies (as in, straight from the freezer, not cooked...), cheese, bread, pretzels, grapes, raisins, and anything he thinks may be a treat.
He is transitioning to one nap in the afternoon, but still sometimes needs a morning rest time, where he may or may not fall asleep. If he does fall asleep, I tend to wake him up after about 30 minutes, just giving him a little power rest but not a full nap. If he does sleep too long in the morning, it messes up his afternoon nap and he has a really hard time taking it (which is not good for mama!). He still goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 each night, and wakes up anytime between 6:15 and 7:15 in the morning. He's still an early riser, unfortunately!
Finally, he went to the doctor for a late 15 month check up, so here are his stats:
Weight: 23lbs 9oz (31st percentile)
Height: 32 inches (68th percentile)
Head: 18.8 inches (62nd percentile)
So, he remains a pretty skinny but tall-ish kid. I keep wondering why, if he was gonna end up skinny, he had to start out so big. Couldn't he have helped me out a bit and started out on the smaller side? Oh well!
Jackson, we look forward to all that the next 16 months hold for you. We love you, Buddy!