Friday, August 27, 2010

Jackson at 23 months

The time has finally come for Jackson's last post as a not-two-year-old. He still has a great sense of humor!
And the most delicious eyes, cheeks, nose, and lips!
He can make some pretty awesome faces, especially for the camera (I do believe that was dirt around his mouth...).
The kid loves bacon.
Proud of his bacon!
He's also really into trying on other peoples' shoes. He was particularly cool on this day, shirtless, with a baseball bat, and some nice floral-print shoes...
Close-up of shoes.

He is still great at finding trouble, too. The other day Johnny and I were in the living room talking, and after a few minutes I realized it was really quiet. So, I went to grab the camera and had Johnny find Jackson, and this is where he was. Yup, standing on the kitchen table...

He was so proud of himself!
And then he was a little confused when we got after him for standing on the table, especially after we were snapping his picture.
Another goofy face for the camera!
Jackson can also do a really sweet ballerina move. He learned this from his older sister, of course, and I think it's simply hilarious!
Yet another funny face (with part of his snack peeking out of his mouth...).
Another view of the ballerina move. Isn't it awesome?!?
Just a few random facts:
-Jackson still loves his paci and blanket/lovey. He will steal them out of his bed any chance he gets.
-He is still very loving, and loves to give snuggles, hugs, and kisses. He can also say the sweetest "Love you" you've ever heard.
-He is talking more and more, mostly just repeating words, but learning how to communicate more every day too. We are hoping that as his communication continues to grow, it will cut down on some of his frustration.
-He has learned how to fight with his sister very well, and that is something we are working on (with both kids!).
-He can [kind of] count to three, in his own way...
-He loves music and singing and dancing.
-He is a pickier eater than Kathryn was/is, but some of his current favorites are cucumbers, tomatoes, frozen veggies, pretzels, bacon, craisins/raisins. He also loves coffee.
-He's really into stealing gum right now, and will eat (yes, swallow) as many pieces as he can before you get to him.
-He loves his daddy, and will say "Daddy" all day long.
-He loves to play hide and seek, and will sit very still for several minutes at a time while hiding.
-He loves to point out airplanes and trains, and gets very excited about both!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

4th of July

Enjoy some pictures from our 4th of July. Yes, I know it's the end of August... :)

Kathryn enjoyed the sparklers, until I got too nervous and told her no more!
This is the only way Jackson was allowed to play with one!
Something was hilarious, apparently!
"Hello?" Sparkler-box-phone...

Up to something...
Kissing cousins!
Scared of the "boom booms".
Something hilarious again!

Sweet boy.
One of the photographers...
Unaware of Aubrey behind...
Suspects Aubrey behind...
Spots Aubrey behind...


Kathryn: Mama, Jackson's bottom feels, like, squishy!

In the car:
Kathryn, in a very reassuring, mommy kind of voice: "Mama, there was just a bug on the back of your seat, but don't worry, cuz I just squished him a little bit with my foot and he fell on the floor but it's okay now because he's ok but he's just a little bit dead but he's okay."
Kathryn: "Bugs like to eat me because I taste like honey."
Me: "What do I taste like?"
Kathryn: "You taste like sugar."
Me: "What does Jackson taste like?"
Kathryn: "Well, mosquitoes don't like him, so he must taste like mosquitoes."

Monday, August 09, 2010

Bubblecake Date

A few weeks ago, Kathryn and I had a very special mommy-daughter date. We went to Bubblecake. As you can see, it was very important for her to dress up like a princess (as is often the case these days...). Enjoy pictures from our special afternoon!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A little more about Jackson...

So I did forget a few things about Jackson in his 22 month post. A few things to add are:

-he has some really sweet dance moves, including a great ballerina move. You'll have to ask him to show you next time you see him. (I'll try to catch it on camera, too...)
-he loves to have a bow in his hair when I put one in Kathryn's hair. He leaves it in just long enough to show his daddy and laugh, then takes it out!
-he loves to pray, especially at mealtime. We often pause many times during a meal to pray again. However, his prayers consist of him folding his hands, grunting for a few seconds, then saying "Amen" while signing "amen".
-he has started singing, and although he doesn't sing actual words, it is definitely a sweet voice he uses to serenade us. He also loves to do sign language to his kids' songs.