Sunday, January 08, 2012

Waverly at 8 months

Our growing girl is 8 months old!!!  This past month has been a busy one with Christmas and all the celebrations that go with it.  But here are a couple of sweet pictures of Waverly recently.  

She really loves to snuggle still, and we love it too!  She can be quite clear about communicating what she wants at times, and has started making it known when she would like to be snuggled to sleep.  She also lets us know when she's done being held and wants to sit by herself.  I snapped this picture on my phone the other night when she was being fussy.  As soon as I picked her up, she snuggled against me, and fell fast asleep.  I love our nightly snuggle time! 

 I also love this picture of her bright eyes from Christmas afternoon. 

Her eight month birthday also marks a month of her being off of the prednisone.  The neurologist said that the greatest likelihood of the infantile spasms returning would be within the first month of stopping the prednisone, so it's a great sign that they haven't returned yet!  We are praying that they continue to stay away, and are SO thankful that God has had mercy on her in keeping them away for so long.  She is still quite smiley in the mornings, and loves to watch her brother and sister.  She's also gotten into watching tv some (when we let her!), and will turn her head to try to see it when it's on!  (Stinker!)  She still sleeps in our room at night, but that is about to change any night now as she's just about outgrown the bassinet.  We will try her in her own crib in her own room and see how that goes.  I am nervous to move her out, but she should do just fine!  The last time she went to the doctor she weighed 16 pounds, so she is definitely growing!  A few weeks ago she saw the eye doctor and now has a prescription for glasses.  She was farsighted.  We haven't gotten her glasses yet, but hope to some time this week.  We'll definitely post a pic of that!

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