Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Waverly at 11 months

Yes, I know I am late in this post, but oh well!  Without further ado, here is Waverly at 11 months old!  

Even though I am pretty shocked, the little girl is still on oxygen!  She is off of it mostly during the day/awake periods, but when she naps and at night, she still needs it, anywhere from 1/4-1.5 litres.  You can tell she is still happy though! 

 She was able to celebrate her first Easter this month, and she was quite the cute little Easter girl!

 Here she is showing off her new wheels.  Since she's getting bigger, she's been using some different things as we try to figure out what will work best for her.  This is a stroller for special needs children called a Special Tomato stroller.  (Special Tomato makes all kinds of adaptive equipment for kids with special needs.)  She does pretty well in it, although she's still a bit small for it, so it's not perfect. 

We did order a wheelchair for her this month as well.  It will take a while for that to come in, but we are excited for her to get her big girl chair and be able to sit up a bit more when we're out and about.  The seat part also comes off and has a base that we can use in the house as well.  

Waverly also had a play date with one of her NICU buddies this past month.  Jocelyn was born the day before her, and stayed in the NICU for a few days.  Look at how big the girls are now!
 Waverly has been a little stinker with her cannula and often gets it out of her nose and tries to eat it! 

 She's demonstrating how she does it.  (I actually think it just happens as she's trying to get her hands in her mouth, but it's funny, except in the middle of the night!)

 She had fun dyeing Easter eggs with the big kids.

 And she posed like a little princess for her Easter pictures as well.

She's at about 19 pounds now.  We haven't quite gotten around to switching out her infant car seat for a convertible rear-facing one, but will hope to do that soon since she's about outgrown her baby one.  She's also quite heavy in it!  :)  We are so thankful that she's been doing pretty well after her sickness and hospitalization in March, even if she is still on the oxygen.  We continue to give breathing treatments and suctioning as needed, and she's been on the pulse ox continuously as well.  Her seizures have been pretty well controlled, although she did have a few a couple of nights ago.

We are in the process of planning her birthday party for next month, and can't believe how quickly this year has flown by!  We love you sweet girl!

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