Our sweet girl is ONE! I just can't believe it. What an amazing year this has been. We are so very blessed by her.
She started off the day by waking up a
bit early for her with quite the diaper! I had planned on giving her a
nice long bath, so we went ahead and did that first thing for the
morning. She enjoys being in the water, especially when I pick her up
off of her bath chair and hold her in the water to float around.
After bathtime she enjoyed being pampered with lotion and massage.
Then she got dressed up in a pretty dress.
All that wore her out! She fell fast asleep, and enjoyed some snuggle time with mama.
As a special treat, we gave her breastmilk all day through her g-tube instead of the normal formula during the day/breastmilk at night combo.
She then got a visit from her Auntie KK, who brought her a balloon. She really enjoyed looking at it and talking to it!
This is her talkative face. Can you tell she's trying to communicate?
Then after dinner we had our family celebration. She opened gifts with help from big sister and big brother.
Then she got a cupcake!
She couldn't figure out how to blow out the candles, so brother and sister helped her.
She really enjoyed tasting the icing, and got a taste of ice cream as well. She approved of both!
She also got some snuggles from Granddaddy.
At the end of the day, she got to be rocked to sleep again by her mama (me!).
Some fun facts about Waverly at one year old:
-She weighs 18lbs 13oz, which is about the 17th percentile for her age.
-She is 28 inches tall, which is the 18th percentile. That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight-for-height (down from the 90th+ a while back!). So she's thinned out a bit!
-Her head circumference is 17.3 inches (21st percentile).
-Some of her favorite things are snuggling (she LOVES to be held!), her family and siblings and friends, faces, music, lights, tv, having her head rubbed, tastes of sweet things, and bath time.
-Some things she doesn't like are loud noises, having her feet tickled, seizures, cold things touching her, and her nasal cannula (for her oxygen).
-Even though she seems to have thinned out some, she still has awesome arm and leg rolls, and the biggest sticky-outy tummy!
-She is still on oxygen, although she's able to go without it some during the day when she's awake. When she's sleeping, she needs it though.
-We like to dress her in dresses or baby doll shirts. Otherwise, her tummy sticks out of any other kind of shirt we try.
-Her arms and legs are short, so we often have to roll up long sleeves or pant legs because we have to get a large enough size to fit over her belly!
-She is very smiley in the mornings especially, and will still coo responsively to people when she's in her talkative mood.
Waverly, wow, what a year! We are so very thankful for the Lord's blessing that you are in our lives, and in so many others' lives. We love you so very much. Soon after you were born, and we started receiving your various diagnoses, your daddy brought us to this verse in John: "Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" (John 9:3). We have prayed since before you were born that God would be glorified in your life, and we truly believe that today, a year later, He has been. We pray that He will continue to receive the glory, for all He's done and for all He's created in you. We praise Him for your beautiful life, and are thankful for this wonderful year that He's given us with you.
Oh, what a beautiful girl! Happy birthday, little Waverly!
Happy Birthday, Waverly!
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