So, for the first time this past Sunday, Kathryn sported her first dress. Yes, I know I'm bad for not putting a dress on her before, but it was so cold out and honestly, I'm not much of a girly, dress kinda girl, so I just never got to it for Kathryn. Anyway, she looked so sweet, so enjoy the pictures. Thanks to Betsy Neville for the beautiful dress!
Awww! That's so cute! =) She is just so precious.. Hopefully I'll get to meet that darling little girl sometime soon. =) We'll be in Harrisonburg the second weekend of April, but I imagine you're probably busy. Hope everything is going great! Much love, blessings, hugs and everything else happy under the sun to you, Johnny, & that precious little bundle of joy!! Love you all!
Oh, isn't she just the cutest thing this Grandma has ever seen! Just because she is in a dress doesn't make her a "girlie" girl, Cristen, you wear dresses sometimes too. She looks so beautiful. I can't wait to see her on the 23rd. I miss you all so much! Seeing her in that dress brings back memories of her mommy! Love, Grandma Crabtree
Yes, mom, I know I wear dresses too. In fact, I was wearing a skirt in that picture (you just can't see)...we had skirt/dress day (except Johnny didn't participate, of course!).
Every time I look at the first picture I see baby Cristen! In fact, Great Granddad was here today and he said, "Yes indeed that does look like Cristen, and it looks like Meagan and Ann too!" (Ann is Cristen's Aunt, and Meagan is Cristen's cousin and they look a bit alike esp. as babys) Love all you guys! Kisses to that pretty baby!! grandma
I love the dress!! I admit...I'm not much for frills either, but it's so cute!! Actually my favorite part is her little tights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww! That's so cute! =) She is just so precious.. Hopefully I'll get to meet that darling little girl sometime soon. =) We'll be in Harrisonburg the second weekend of April, but I imagine you're probably busy. Hope everything is going great! Much love, blessings, hugs and everything else happy under the sun to you, Johnny, & that precious little bundle of joy!!
Love you all!
Oh, isn't she just the cutest thing this Grandma has ever seen! Just because she is in a dress doesn't make her a "girlie" girl, Cristen, you wear dresses sometimes too. She looks so beautiful. I can't wait to see her on the 23rd. I miss you all so much! Seeing her in that dress brings back memories of her mommy! Love, Grandma Crabtree
Yes, mom, I know I wear dresses too. In fact, I was wearing a skirt in that picture (you just can't see)...we had skirt/dress day (except Johnny didn't participate, of course!).
Every time I look at the first picture I see baby Cristen! In fact, Great Granddad was here today and he said, "Yes indeed that does look like Cristen, and it looks like Meagan and Ann too!" (Ann is Cristen's Aunt, and Meagan is Cristen's cousin and they look a bit alike esp. as babys) Love all you guys! Kisses to that pretty baby!! grandma
I love those pictures, she looks so different every time I see her!
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