Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don't miss them!

Because of the last post about the new baby, I'm afraid a couple of posts about Kathryn with some cute pictures may have gotten pushed down off the page. Don't forget to scroll down and see them. There are some funny pictures of our silly girl! And thanks for all the comments about Baby #2! I will be 10 weeks tomorrow, so only 2 more weeks in the first trimester! I'll post some more updates with some more pictures very soon, so check back in a few days for more fun! And thanks for keeping up with us through our blog!


Randy and Lindsay said...

YAY for the first trimester being over! Whew...only 2 more to go! :) haha! Can't wait for more pictures of Lil'K and baby bean!

barb1600 said...

Ohh, so much excitement- congratulations Cris- it seems only yesterday that you were just this little girl wanting to come and live with Barbie because Mommy was mean.... sniff.....

Becky Swann said...

Just saw your latest posts, congratulations!!! very exciting news!