Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Crazy Pregnancy Emotions

Johnny and I were relaxing and watching X-Men 3 the other night, and for some reason, our little daughter decided it was gymnastics class or something. I don't know if I was really getting into the movie and my adrenaline was pumping and that got her going, or if she was just hyper following dinner or the bowl of ice cream I had, but she was going crazy! About half-way through the movie, throughout which she was rolling, kicking, bumping, and everything else, Johnny had to take a potty break. He paused the movie and headed upstairs. In the meantime, I watched my belly to see its changing shape as she continued her intra-uterine feats. And then the crazy pregnancy hormones took over. All of a sudden, she moved in a certain way that just hit me: there's a real baby inside of me! The next thing I knew, I'm sitting there just crying as I marveled at God's amazing creation of the little person inside of me. As I heard Johnny start back down the stairs, I tried to quickly wipe away my tears, for fear of alarming him as he left a perfectly contented wife to come back to a blubbering mess of a woman. But, I was too late, and it was obvious as he looked at me that I had been crying just 4 seconds earlier. So of course I started crying again, and laughing at the same time as I told him why. "It's a baby!" is about all I could say, laughing through my tears. It's the strangest thing to feel like you have little to no control over when or why you cry, but the moment was worth it!

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