...another baby that is just like the older sister: very wiggly, hands up at the face, not cooperative with the ultrasound tech, but........

.....unlike the big sister in that it's a BOY!!!! We are choosing not to put the "money shot" on here for modesty purposes, but it was very obvious to all that he is a he. We are enjoying feeling him move more and more each day, and are thankful for a very healthy baby!
What great news! The pictures are precious! I can't wait to meet him.
Yea! We are so excited to meet the little guy and buy cute little boy clothes for him :)
Congrats! I picked a good day to go blog-surfing. :)
We're having yet another girl, but I knew I'd be thrilled either way. Dave's gotten over his disappointment and is getting used to the idea of being the "only guy". ;)
Congratulations! I just told Naomi today that I hope you have a boy this time. What a well rounded family:)
Glad you posted those pictures tonight. God continues to remind me of my many blessings, those I have now, and those he is soon sending my way. Love notes from God. A little boy, how exciting for us ALL!!!! Grammy sure is excited to get in the rocking chair and take some nice cuddly naps just like with Kathryn! These u/s pics make it seem more real now! Love you all. Looking fwd to seeing you on Sunday. Love, Mom
PS We've got his first Tricycle...brand new and in the box!
Awwww... hooray! Little boys are so different from little girls, and so much fun. Having them both will be a joy. Can't wait to meet him. Love ya'll. :)
Oooh, a baby brother for Kathryn. So so so exciting! Have you already gone out looking for cute little boy things? The trains, the trucks, the baseballs, what fun. Names? or are you not telling?
You totally had me on the edge of my seat!
One of each! Boys are a ton of fun and oh, so cute! Congratulations!
Congrats! A boy!!! That is so exciting! I can't wait to watch him grow! You are so blessed. We are continuing to pray for your growing belly!
Lots of love and prayers,
Karen :)
I always wanted a brother... kathryn is one lucky girl. How fun to be a mommy and daddy to a boy and a girl. I am soooo blessed to be friends with your growing family.
C ya soon?
He is so precious just like Katryn.
I am so happy for ya'll. I can't wait to meet him in Sept. Our family is truly blessed. Congrats to all.
I mistyped Kathryn name in previous post.
Congratulations! We are very excited for you!!
the Zarlengas
What a great blessing, another healthy baby and a boy, yeah!
Wow - is that one of those 3D ultrasounds? I always wanted to do that when I was pregnant with Cate. Congrats on the baby boy!!!
Congrats, Cristin! Boys are awesome. We are loving every minute with our little man. Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog post the other day. I always appreciate feedback.
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