Friday, October 30, 2009


So, I've been thinking lately, about lots of things. Mostly about how to make a lot of money at home, without sacrificing a lot of time with my kids! :) Hey, just being honest here. I feel like I always have things on my mind, and I love to write (a.k.a. think out loud), so I've been thinking about a mom blog. You know, one without so many pictures/stories of just my kids, but of many other things associated with being a mom in general, with being a wife, with running a home, etc. Any thoughts? I know it would be so wildly successful, and have thousands of followers, and just rake in the money so that not only would our family be provided for, but that we could also be able to bless others. :) So, what do you think, my faithful three readers? :)


The Riggalls said...

Why not? I would read it!

The Nolls said...

YES! You could totally pull it off. I love how you write, and I love reading your insights on all things mothering and domestic. I think it would be a great success AND a huge blessing to readers who don't have the privilege of knowing you IRL.
I have no idea how it works, and if you would get your $ from blog hits. I read your blog via reader (hence I don't comment as much as I would like), so please let me know if I should start reading it at your actual site :)

I think this is very exciting. Go for it!

Naomi said...

I'll support you if you support me :) Andrew mentions the idea of that quite often. Hey, it could happen! :)

Kristie said...

Go for it!! I'll send my three readers over to your blog for ya!

Becky said...

I read your blog. :) I would probably add another blog to the list of ones I keep up with - even if it doesn't really apply to my phase of life. I just don't know how the money thing fits in there - but, I hope it does so you can enjoy an easy way to make money.

La Familia Garcia said...

haha..that's what I was does money fit in there? Sounds like a great idea though. Are you thinking retirement for you and Johnny through this? I'll visist several times a day if that helps? ;)