Me: Kathryn, what are you thankful for?
Kathryn: Jesus!
Me: What else are you thankful for?
Kathryn: Chocolate!
watching a video of her as a baby:
Me: Kathryn, that's you when you were a baby.
Kathryn: No, that's me when I was a boy.
Me: Why did Daddy bring me flowers today?
Kathryn: Because you're special!
Seeing Johnny carrying the vacuum cleaner up the stairs:
Kathryn: Daddy, you're so strong! Show me your muscles!
Johnny, with a look of satisfaction and pride, flexes.
Kathryn: Oooh, do it again!
Kathryn: What's in your nose?
Anonymous: I don't think there's anything in my nose.
Kathryn: Yeah, I see hairs!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
my girl Kathryn
It's been a while since I've posted much about Kathryn, and the last post about her was really just her singing. The last post about her development and activities was back in July. So, it's time to tell a bit about what our girl is up to these days. 
This is an old-ish picture, but I LOVE this dress on her!
Kathryn still has funny sleep positions, and she never stops moving in her sleep. I found her like this one day after her nap:

She is totally into "leggins" right now, and loves to wear them whenever I allow her to. The other day, we went totally funky, and I put her hair up in crazy ponytails. She thought she was something special! Showing her "super girl" pose:

A little sass:
She's really into babies these days, maybe because so many of our friends are either having babies or have had babies recently. Kathryn likes to pretend she has a baby in her tummy, and wanted to put her balloon in her shirt the other night as her baby. Here she is letting Jackson "feel the baby kick".
Mommies-to-be need to eat healthy snacks like yogurt.
When we asked her what her baby was, she said it was a boy. When we asked her what she was going to name the baby, her reply? "Jesus!"
She continues to be such a joy for us. Some other things she has been into recently include typing on the computer (she types messages to people, and then "reads" them to me so I can type the translation). Usually her messages end up being something like, "Dear _______, I wub you and miss you!" She is such a great talker, saying almost everything these days. But there are a few things she says that I just love, including "heep hops" for flip flops and "piggies" for toes. She tells people her favorite color is purple (just like her mama!), and still calls Jackson "Buddy" as well as Jackson. She's been going through a growth spurt recently, and has honestly been hungry constantly throughout the day. I can't seem to get the girl full!
She's been doing great with going to the potty still. She loves to tickle Jackson, jump in leaf piles, ride her tricycle, go to the mall, go "somewhere different", go anywhere, (can you tell she's a girl on the go?), and help me with anything. She still loves to help cook, so I'm looking forward to Christmas baking with her this year. She puts soap in the dishwasher and starts it for me (with my assistance, of course!). She's really into crafts, and loves to learn new things. She loves watching videos on the computer, of herself or her friends, as well as Annie (Hard Knock Life is her favorite). She's totally into princesses, even though she's yet to see any of the classic Disney princess movies. I am interested to see how she is once she sees one! A few weeks ago she had her first ever McDonald's Happy Meal, and thought she was something special! (Thanks, Granddaddy!) She recognizes Bojangles, Chick-Fil-A, and Famous Anthony's by their signs, and points them out whenever we go past one! (blush...!) Speaking of blush, she loves to put on makeup with me as well. She also still loves to sing, and often asks me, "Mama, what song is in your head?" Then we talk about what songs are in our heads, which often results in singing together. She knows many Scripture verses just by singing them, which is so cool! (And I get to learn them right along with her!) It's hard to believe in just a couple short months, she will be three. Even though people already think she's three, it seems like such a milestone. Two years old is still, well, little, but three seems so much bigger to me for some reason. I can no longer call her a baby (as in, "I have two babies") once she's three. But, I am so looking forward to what the days hold for her. Kathryn, we love you!
This is an old-ish picture, but I LOVE this dress on her!
A little sass:
She's really into babies these days, maybe because so many of our friends are either having babies or have had babies recently. Kathryn likes to pretend she has a baby in her tummy, and wanted to put her balloon in her shirt the other night as her baby. Here she is letting Jackson "feel the baby kick".
Mommies-to-be need to eat healthy snacks like yogurt.
When we asked her what her baby was, she said it was a boy. When we asked her what she was going to name the baby, her reply? "Jesus!"
She's been doing great with going to the potty still. She loves to tickle Jackson, jump in leaf piles, ride her tricycle, go to the mall, go "somewhere different", go anywhere, (can you tell she's a girl on the go?), and help me with anything. She still loves to help cook, so I'm looking forward to Christmas baking with her this year. She puts soap in the dishwasher and starts it for me (with my assistance, of course!). She's really into crafts, and loves to learn new things. She loves watching videos on the computer, of herself or her friends, as well as Annie (Hard Knock Life is her favorite). She's totally into princesses, even though she's yet to see any of the classic Disney princess movies. I am interested to see how she is once she sees one! A few weeks ago she had her first ever McDonald's Happy Meal, and thought she was something special! (Thanks, Granddaddy!) She recognizes Bojangles, Chick-Fil-A, and Famous Anthony's by their signs, and points them out whenever we go past one! (blush...!) Speaking of blush, she loves to put on makeup with me as well. She also still loves to sing, and often asks me, "Mama, what song is in your head?" Then we talk about what songs are in our heads, which often results in singing together. She knows many Scripture verses just by singing them, which is so cool! (And I get to learn them right along with her!) It's hard to believe in just a couple short months, she will be three. Even though people already think she's three, it seems like such a milestone. Two years old is still, well, little, but three seems so much bigger to me for some reason. I can no longer call her a baby (as in, "I have two babies") once she's three. But, I am so looking forward to what the days hold for her. Kathryn, we love you!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Not Me Monday
It's been a while since I've posted a Not Me Monday and, well, it's time... Here are the things that I have certainly not done in the past week (or two, or three):
I did not, per my daughter's request, put a sticker on her leg last night over top of a place that she had already scraped up earlier in the day. If I had even thought about it, I of course would have checked to make sure it wasn't a super sticky sticker, and upon discovering just how sticky it was, would have suggested putting it somewhere else instead. (Can I just say that I'm thankful that we had some baby oil on hand...)
I also did not just hand over my baby to a stranger at the football game on Saturday. Even if they looked nice and harmless, I would have known better than to ask if they wanted to hold him, just so I could sit back and enjoy a few wiggly-baby-free moments to myself.

And finally, it is not my daughter that now asks what I am checking ("Email? Facebook?") when I am on the computer. I certainly don't get distracted by the computer when I'm home with the kids, and instead focus all my individual attention completely on them 100% of the time. Nope, not me!
So, those are a few things that I have not done this week. How about you? Check out McMama's blog for some other fun Not Me Mondays.
I did not, per my daughter's request, put a sticker on her leg last night over top of a place that she had already scraped up earlier in the day. If I had even thought about it, I of course would have checked to make sure it wasn't a super sticky sticker, and upon discovering just how sticky it was, would have suggested putting it somewhere else instead. (Can I just say that I'm thankful that we had some baby oil on hand...)
I also did not just hand over my baby to a stranger at the football game on Saturday. Even if they looked nice and harmless, I would have known better than to ask if they wanted to hold him, just so I could sit back and enjoy a few wiggly-baby-free moments to myself.
And finally, it is not my daughter that now asks what I am checking ("Email? Facebook?") when I am on the computer. I certainly don't get distracted by the computer when I'm home with the kids, and instead focus all my individual attention completely on them 100% of the time. Nope, not me!
So, those are a few things that I have not done this week. How about you? Check out McMama's blog for some other fun Not Me Mondays.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Me: Ugh, Kathryn, don't pee on the couch... (said in frustration after an accident this morning)
Kathryn: Mama, just pray for me not to pee on the couch.
Kathryn: Mama, just pray for me not to pee on the couch.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Jackson's hair cut
We finally had to break down and get Jackson's hair officially cut a couple of weeks ago. I just couldn't make do anymore with a quick swipe of the scissors while he wasn't paying attention. Sherry did a great job, despite Jackson being very wiggly and uncooperative.
I was having to come up with all kinds of tricks to keep him distracted enough to sit still.
Even then, he wasn't happy about it...
Love the look on his face here...

A horrible picture of me, but the finished product on Jackson:
I was having to come up with all kinds of tricks to keep him distracted enough to sit still.
A horrible picture of me, but the finished product on Jackson:
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Kathryn's Halloween pics
As promised, here are pics of Kathryn from Halloween. Yes, you can tell me how great I am for getting them up so soon after I said I would. Go ahead, leave your comment now... (just make sure you also comment on how beautiful Kathryn is as well!)
She insisted on twirling for some of the pics. That is what princesses do, you know...

A random pic to show just how many leaves are in our yard. And the trees still have lots of leaves on them!
She couldn't stand to sit any longer. She had to be closer to the sidewalk to greet the trick-or-treaters.
She insisted on twirling for some of the pics. That is what princesses do, you know...
Monday, November 02, 2009
We were all supposed to be out of town for Halloween, at the UVA game. However, Kathryn's body had other plans, as she's been sick since Wednesday evening. (No, we're not sure what she has. Maybe flu, maybe a virus? We haven't taken her to the doctor, because we were trying to avoid going. She hasn't been too sick...a pretty high temp and a cough, but that's it.) Anyway, since she was sick, her and I stayed home together. I realized sometime that afternoon that I hadn't gotten any Halloween candy because, well, we weren't planning on being home. So, being the good mom that I am (and socially conscious), I loaded up my sicko and we went to the grocery store for some candy. (Maybe I went ahead and did my grocery shopping for the week while I was there too...) I wasn't expecting too many kids, but I was wrong! We had tons of kids come by! The best part of it all was watching Kathryn. She got dressed up in her one dress up outfit (kind of a fairy princess kind of get-up), put the candy in a bowl, and sat at the front door waiting for kids. Finally once they started coming in a steady stream, she set up a chair outside on the front porch and waited for them. It was so sweet to see her soooo excited to give candy to the kids. She never once asked to eat it herself (that story has since changed, as we have a few pieces of candy on our counter now). She simply delighted in being able to hand it out to others. It got to the point that whenever she saw a group of kids coming down the sidewalk, she's jump up and run out to them with the candy bowl. It was such a joy to watch her delight in giving. Pictures of our princess to come...
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