This is an old-ish picture, but I LOVE this dress on her!
A little sass:
She's really into babies these days, maybe because so many of our friends are either having babies or have had babies recently. Kathryn likes to pretend she has a baby in her tummy, and wanted to put her balloon in her shirt the other night as her baby. Here she is letting Jackson "feel the baby kick".
Mommies-to-be need to eat healthy snacks like yogurt.
When we asked her what her baby was, she said it was a boy. When we asked her what she was going to name the baby, her reply? "Jesus!"
She's been doing great with going to the potty still. She loves to tickle Jackson, jump in leaf piles, ride her tricycle, go to the mall, go "somewhere different", go anywhere, (can you tell she's a girl on the go?), and help me with anything. She still loves to help cook, so I'm looking forward to Christmas baking with her this year. She puts soap in the dishwasher and starts it for me (with my assistance, of course!). She's really into crafts, and loves to learn new things. She loves watching videos on the computer, of herself or her friends, as well as Annie (Hard Knock Life is her favorite). She's totally into princesses, even though she's yet to see any of the classic Disney princess movies. I am interested to see how she is once she sees one! A few weeks ago she had her first ever McDonald's Happy Meal, and thought she was something special! (Thanks, Granddaddy!) She recognizes Bojangles, Chick-Fil-A, and Famous Anthony's by their signs, and points them out whenever we go past one! (blush...!) Speaking of blush, she loves to put on makeup with me as well. She also still loves to sing, and often asks me, "Mama, what song is in your head?" Then we talk about what songs are in our heads, which often results in singing together. She knows many Scripture verses just by singing them, which is so cool! (And I get to learn them right along with her!) It's hard to believe in just a couple short months, she will be three. Even though people already think she's three, it seems like such a milestone. Two years old is still, well, little, but three seems so much bigger to me for some reason. I can no longer call her a baby (as in, "I have two babies") once she's three. But, I am so looking forward to what the days hold for her. Kathryn, we love you!
Love the "pregnant" pictures. Also, love the picture that you put for the header of you blog. Love to all. Everybody here at work loves to see the pictures on the blog. Keep them coing. Love to all of you.
What a precious blessing she is! Hope all is well! Blessings, Karen :)
Aw. What an awesome update post! I feel the same way about the third birthday we have just around the corner. It may be the hardest one for me yet. Three just seems SO grown up! (although in Taiwan people think Ellie is 4 or 5 because she's so much taller than the other children)
I love the Bible verse singing. Do you make up the songs? or use some other resourse?
I've really only made up one; the rest are from Scripture Rock (a great CD!) or from a Bible study she's in.
That is sooo funny seeing her expecting!!! She's gonna make a great momma one day!
You should DEFINATELY let her sport leggings more often she looks so cute and stylish!
oh and wow, she sure looks like Jackson in those serious poses!
She is precious in those pictures - especially with the leggins. I got a kick out of how her shirt was falling off in the "pregnant" pictures.
She looks like Punky Brewser with those pig tails. She's a cutie. She and Jaron are going through much the same changes at the same time. It's interesting to hear how things are different for girls and boys though at this age. Have fun! They're growing up too fast!
your daughter is adorable!
you should go to and send us an email with her name to enter for a chance at a free hairbow of your choice.....
are you related to the sink/zink of franklin county virgina my family of sinks are from that area just doing research
Yes, we are descended from the Sinks of Franklin Co.
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