Enjoy some pictures from our Easter. We were supposed to be in Harrisonburg for the weekend, but I ended up being sick, so we stayed home. Sorry we didn't get any family pictures...again, because I was pretty much laying down all day. But here are lots of cute ones of Kathryn!

Her first Easter basket. Yes, that's a chocolate bunny in there. No, she isn't allowed to eat it, but I'm sure I'll find something to do with it! :) The basket just didn't seem complete without a chocolate bunny...

Thanks to her grandparents, Kathryn absolutely loves Goldfish crackers. So, as a treat, she got some in her Easter basket. Notice it's the first thing she went for!

And finally, some posed pictures of her pretty Easter outfit. The stairs are pretty much the only place in the house I can get her to sit still for a minute, so that's why so many of our pictures are taken on the stairs (in case you were wondering!).

Kathryn looks just darling in her Easter dress. I don't think I would have any trouble getting rid of a chocolate bunny either. :) I'm sorry you were sick, hopefully it will be short lived. Happy Easter.
Cute pictures! Hope you're feeling better!
Soooo Cute! I love her Easter dress and the shoes and the sweater! Just adorable! :) I hope you are feeling better and it isn't anything that hangs around too long. :)
Happy Easter to you guys!
Karen :)
Oh, my what a baby doll my gr-niece is!!! She looks so cute in her Easter outfit. I am sorry you are feeling so punny..guess Little Jackson is bothering you! HA! Take care.
Cristen, what a day be sick on! I will pray that it passes quickly and the others in your house don't catch it. Kathryn, by the way, looks beautiful in her Easter clothes. I bet it's fun to dress her up. :)
Aww! What a sweetie! :) She's so cute in her Easter dress. Hope you're feeling better--Morning sickness? This seems to be the season of pregnant women around here. Two of my cousins are about 4 months along, and my sister, Jen, is set to deliver her 3rd child (another girl!) any day now :) All these babies (plus school) are certainly keeping me busy! I enjoy playing with them, but I'm very content not to have any of my own this early in my life. I have a lot ahead of me before I get to that! :) Give Kathryn a big hug from me and tell Johnny I said hi. Love you all!
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