Kathryn had her 15 month well check-up today, which ended up being a combination sick visit to the doctor as well. The results? She's now 31.5 inches tall (78th percentile), 23.5 pounds (57th percentile), and her head measures 18.8 inches (92nd percentile!). So, the girl is pretty tall, average weight, and has a big noggin! The sick part ended up being another double ear infection. She wasn't really acting sick yesterday, but was up most of the night crying and with a fever, so I was suspecting an ear infection today and was glad that we already happened to have an appointment to go in. By the time we got to the doctor, her temperature was 104! Poor baby. She's been pretty miserable all day, and spent most of the day sitting on my lap or being carried in my arms. She is now on antibiotics again, and the doctor wants to recheck her in a few weeks. She may refer her to an ear, nose, and throat doctor (France, wish you were closer!). I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, enough of that. Here are the pictures of her pigtails from last week...

Even though you can't really see both pigtails in these next pictures I had to include them. She looks like such a little girl and not a baby in these last two pictures in particular. Wow....

Finally, please remember to pray for all those affected one year ago today by the Virginia Tech shootings.
Kathryn has gotten so big- she is also super cute! I love her toothy smile! I hope that I get to see her soon. I was just mentioning today to someone that I was missing all my baby friends.... but soon I will have to say all my baby and toddler friends. I love her (and you) lots and lots!
um... could her pig tails be any cuter? I love them!! Madeline needs to stop losing all her hair so she can start growing some for pig tails.
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