She liked clapping when everybody else did, or after the band finished their songs. The band was her favorite part about the afternoon, and she particularly loved when Aunt KK took her down really close to the band to see and hear them better. When she brought her back up, she kept singing "more" and pointing back down to them.

Watching with Granddaddy.

Looking out over the field after the game.

With Grandma.

Do you like my round belly, pigtails, and UVA hair bows?

Kathryn I LOVE your round belly!!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course your pigtails too! :) You are so cute and look so big in all these pictures!!!
Little K I do LOVE your round belly!!!!!!!!!!! And the pigtails and bows are cute too!:) You are getting so big! We love you!
She is so cute!!
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