We've had the classic runny noses around our household for weeks now, and Kathryn is very good to go and get a tissue whenever she needs one. However, just recently, she's gotten very particular about touching them once they've been used. Here she is demonstrating how to hold the teeniest tip of the tissue to take it to the trash can.

Her language has continued to take off, and she often talks in simple sentences now. Some classics:
Mama, I want two!
I want more juice please!
Mama, snow cars, uh-oh! (When the snow was on the cars, and it was different for her!)
She is also continuing to show a tender heart. Whenever we make a sad face, she'll furrow her brow together with a concerned look on her face, say "Sad?" and come over to give us a kiss. When Jackson is sad, she'll run to find a paci for him. She's getting better and better about playing with him, and will play peek a boo with him and give him toys (which really means bury him in toys, because she piles them on top of him!). Although we are getting into a whiny and willful stage right now, she is still so much fun, and makes me laugh all the time. Having a two-year-old is such hard work, but we know that all the work we put into raising her in the Lord now will pay off as she grows. It is our prayer that we would have wisdom as we seek to nurture her in the ways of the Lord, that she might call on His name and live her life for Him.
Dear sweet little Kathryn,
Grammy loves you and misses you. You are a BIG girl now. Grammy wants to come see you soon. I like your fish. It is so beautiful. Your picture is beautiful too. I want to give lots of hugs and lots of kisses! Nicholas misses you too. He wants to come see you too. Grandpa and Ali want to see you too. And the doggy wants to see you!
Grammy LOVES YOU!!!
I know that she will love going outside since it has snowed. They are growing sooo fast & are learning soo much. You both are wonderful parents. Love to all. Give Kathryn & Jackson a BIG kiss form their Aunt Cindy. Love to all.
♥Aww. ♥♥♥
How did you get your template like that? I didn't see that one in the list. ☺☺☺
She has a different look in each of those pictures!!
Praying for your as parents that you will be reminded of His great promises for your family!
"For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."
Psalm 100:5
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