Taking the paci really wasn't a planned thing... Yesterday after her nap, I mentioned to her (like I have many times before) that soon her paci would need to go bye bye, that it was getting yucky and not for big girls anymore. Well, she went with that, and said "Trash" and ran her paci to the trashcan, leaned over it, and dropped it in. Now, she did this a few months ago, but cried and got it right back out. But this time she waved bye to it and then went on downstairs. So, then came bedtime. I debated on what to do. I wasn't sure if we were ready to embark on this journey or not, but felt like it would just be so confusing to her to go back and forth. So, at bedtime when she asked for it, I told her she was a big girl, and it was in the trash. I had forgotten to take it out of the trashcan, so she ran and looked at it in there (00ps!), but didn't try to get it out. She cried for an hour, a heartbroken kind of cry as opposed to a mad cry. I gave her a "special bear" that I had told her she was allowed to sleep with when her paci was gone, but after holding him a while, she threw him down. I think she took out her anger on not wanting the bear. But other than that she just sat on my lap while I rocked her and cried pretty quietly. It broke my heart...I cried along with her. She was still crying when I laid her down in her crib, and she continued to cry for an hour. I finally went back up to try to comfort her. She had torn apart her crib searching for a paci, and when I reached out my hands to pick her up, she turned them over and said "Paci?". Break my heart again....! I rocked her again for abotu 15 minutes. This time she didn't cry, just had the after-cry hiccups that kids get, as she fell asleep on me. After laying her down in her crib again, she slept all night without another peep! She woke up this morning talking and happy! We were so proud of her! For a treat, we got Chick Fil A for breakfast! She was so excited, and has been very sweet this morning. Praise God for a good first night! Now, we'll have to see how naptime goes today...!
Well, I'm praying it goes smoothly! Honestly that is GREAT news! I know it breaks your heart cause she's growing up, but really what great news to have!
Oh, my heart--no paci!!! I hope she does okay at naptime...guess she really is getting to be a big girl. Tell Kathryn I miss her and love you (like she always says). I sent some Fla. sunshine up your way-hope you have it by now.
I saw on Facebook that her paci had ended up in the trashcan somehow. So, I was wondering what happened. That is how my little cousin stopped using her's as well. I can't imagine the day when Madeline doesn't have her paci's :( It will be a very sad day.
oh sweet Kathryn!! I can imagine how hard that was for you, Cristen!! But just think, the longer she kept it, the harder it would be for her to get rid of it! And now with her talking so much, I bet it's nice to not have it in. What a big and mature girl she is getting to be! We love all of you and pray that it keeps going great!
i am sooo proud of her. She is truly becoming a big girl. I know that she is loving the sunshine & warmer weather so she can going outside. I know how she loves the outdoors. Exploring new things.
Love you all. Give her & Jackson a BIG kiss from me.
Way to go big Kathryn! And Cristen, wow that must have been hard for you. That sad crying does break a mommy's heart. But you must have been so relieved that it turned out so well in the morning. I pray naptime goes well for y'all.
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