Our boy is 15 months old! How much he has changed since
last year! The biggest thing I've noticed over the past few weeks is Jackson's understanding of language. Although he still isn't really communicating much more back to us (in speaking or signing), he is showing a lot of understanding when we say things. He follows simple commands like "Come here" or "Throw this away" or "Get your shoes" or "Go into your room". He's pointing a lot at things, and will grunt to tell us something. It's pretty funny how much he communicates in grunts! Enjoy some pictures of our boy, as well as more stories of what he's up to!
Where is Jackson? Can you find him?

He loves climbing in things, and has been especially into climbing in his toy basket!

Helping Mommy unload the dishwasher by handing me
silverware, one at a time!

This kid loves it when I vacuum. He probably knows how much the floor needs it, and is just so glad that I am finally getting around to it. Whatever the reason, he's funny whenever I bring it out. He will literally kiss the vacuum cleaner:

...and ride on it while I vacuum!

Making a funny face.


He's really gotten into learning this month. He will often bring me books, and then turn around and back himself up to my lap so I'll read to him. He's also really gotten into the shape sorter. He still needs help to know where to put the shapes, but loves trying to fit them into the right one.

One of the biggest changes of this month is that he is no longer nursing. He was nursing so little for the past few months it really was a smooth transition to not nursing. He kind of started not wanting it every few mornings, so I just kind of took his cues and nursed him when he wanted, and didn't when he wasn't interested. After a while, that led in to him just not nursing for several days in a row, and just like that, we were done. I am SO thankful that we were able to make it 14+ months nursing, and am also thankful for how smoothly we were able to transition out of it. Thank You, God!
The other big change is that he is officially a walker now. He is walking all over the place, and even running (in his cute little toddling way)! He is loving it, and honestly, so am I! It is much easier to be out in public with him now because I can let him down to walk around, instead of forcing him to stay in my arms or allowing him to crawl all over a dirty floor. I know most people think I'm crazy for wanting him to walk instead of crawl, but it truly is easier for me!
Jackson's sleeping habits are pretty much the same. He is sleeping a little later in the mornings, but only about half the time (till 7:30ish). The other half of the time, he's up at his normal 6:30ish. He is in transition from two naps to one nap, and it varies each day as to whether he will take one or two naps. It depends on when he wakes up in the morning, and whether or not we're out and about or at home (where he tends to want that morning nap).
We are a bit off schedule for his doctor's checkups, so I'll post his "15 month" stats in a couple of months when we actually make it to the doctor for his checkup! :)
He is getting so big! I think he looks a lot like Nick in his funny face picture. And I totally understand wanting him to walk. I was relieved when Madeline walked as well because she didn't want to be carried or ride in the stroller, but I didn't want her crawling through the grocery story. So, it was just much easier when she walked. We're excited to see you guys soon.
What a handsome boy!!
I can't wait for Abram to walk either, for the same reason. When we are out he is straining to be put down. Soooo heavy.
(My kids get excited when I vacuum too. Sometimes Ellie will say, "Mommy, the floor is really dirty, we need to vacuum.")
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