It's hard sometimes to think of new things from month to month. Some months seems to be explosions where he is doing lots of new things, and other times I feel like I am just repeating myself month to month. This is one of those months. I can't think of much new that he's doing, just kinda the same old thing. He still has quite a temper...
The big news of this month is that he poo-ed in the potty a few days ago! It was pretty much a fluke that he did it, but we were still very excited. He has started telling me when he goes in his diaper, and on this particular day, he told me. When I checked, I could see that he was in the process of going. (Ok, this is kinda gross, and he's gonna be soooo embarrassed one day when he realizes this was on the internet...) So, I took his diaper off and set him up on the potty, and he finished his business in the potty! We were so excited, he got 3 MnMs! (And Kathryn decided she deserved one for being such a good teacher for him...) But, he has yet to go again in the potty, even though we sit him on it occasionally. He has started asking to sit on it more, so I take him as often as he asks (or as often as it's convenient for me...!). I am still not expecting him to be potty trained for a while, but we'll see...I may be pleasantly surprised!
That's about it for Jackson for this month. Check back in next month for his last post as a 1 year old!