When we got home from all our New Years traveling around 9p.m. on Tuesday night, we noticed Kathryn's eye looked a little pink and puffy. We thought it was just due to her being tired, so gave her a bath, put her to bed, and then went to bed ourselves. She woke up in the middle of the night with it swollen and crusted shut (eww!). In the morning, it still looked pretty bad, and her cheek looked a little funny, too. It didn't seem like pink eye since she wasn't messing with it, but we didn't like the looks of it, so we took her to the doctor yesterday afternoon. It turns out she has periorbital cellulitis, which is basically an infection around her eye. The doctor isn't sure what caused it, but said it could have been a blocked tear duct. Her eye on that side has gotten irritated-looking before, and if her tear duct on that side is smaller, as the doc suspects, then it makes sense. Anyway, she is now on antibiotics to get rid of the infection. We were 3 days short of not having to take any antibiotics for the first year of her life...oh well! Anyway, here is what it looked like yesterday.

It looks much better today, although you can still tell it's not quite right. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by it, so hopefully it will clear up soon with the meds and some rest. Here she is taking her nap today. I snapped this picture because of the funny position she was in, with her legs. She moves so much when she sleeps, so we find her in all kinds of funny positions all the time.

Please pray that her infection gets better, and that there won't be any complications from it. Praise God that it wasn't in her actual eye, which can be very serious! Look forward to a birthday post coming soon!
She's too cute to be sick. I hope she feels better soon!
Grammy gets worried! But, I know Kathryn has a wonderful Mommy and Daddy and they are taking such good care of her. Hope tomorrow it looks much better and continues to improve. One of the hardest parts about being a grandma is when your grandbaby gets sick! I am ready for some snuggling.
Love to you all,
Mom and Grandma
Oh no! I hope that it wasn't something that she caught from one of her crazy aunties and uncles.... I loved seeing you all!
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