...people stop me all the time to comment on how I must be "about to pop".
...I don't fit into regular bathroom stalls anymore--it's handicapped stalls for me.
...if people don't stop to ask when I'm due, they give me very concerned/sympathetic looks. Sorry, it doesn't really make me feel any better, but thanks for trying.
...I waffle back and forth between wanting to do nothing but sit for hours, and then cleaning everything in sight.
...I wake up every day thinking, "This could be the day" then realize it could be another 4 weeks too.
...people ask "It's just one in there?"
...I get mad at every little thing, like mosquitoes, ice that melts too quickly, and dirt.
...most everything hurts, most all of the time.
...I am hungry all the time, but then eat just a small amount and feel miserable because there's simply no room for my stomach to expand with food.
...I will break out in tears, sometimes literally over nothing.
...rolling over in bed is quite the ordeal, involving lots of grunting, moaning, hoisting, and repositioning of my four (yes, four!) pillows.
But, all that being said, I know that once the baby is here, things aren't going to be easier. Sure, all the "funs" of pregnancy will be over, but with that brings many more challenges. However, I am trying to enjoy both sides of the equation. Right now, I'm trying to focus on spending good quality time with Kathryn, as I don't know when will be my last day with just her. And I'm trying to enjoy feeling the sweet kicks (and rolls, and punches, and pokes and prods) from my little guy inside. That truly is one of the greatest things about being pregnant, is feeling all those sweet movements.
Here are some pictures of the kids' rooms (wow, kids...). Kathryn loves her new bedroom, and I love how girlie it is. And the baby's room is all set and ready for him too (more prepared than I was for Kathryn...how sad!). Be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom to see a picture of our little guy taken last week...so cute!