So yes, my due date was yesterday. And no, I haven't had the baby yet. Since Kathryn was two weeks early (a whole other story), I never experienced this waiting game, and let me tell you, it's awful! I don't know why I thought I'd be different than anybody else and deserved to have the baby a little early, but for some reason, I was convinced he'd be here before now (maybe it was because of all those people who kept telling me I'd "never make it" all the way, because I was way too big, etc.). But it turns out I'm not as special as I thought, and have now joined the ranks of those who have gone past their due dates. The funny thing is, although there are days (most days) that I of course want him to be here, there are other times that I think, "Just one more day would be ok." I've been really trying to relish each additional day with Kathryn, take the time to get more things done (I've been a nesting cleaning machine!), etc. But I must admit that I am often not a fun person to be around, and am quite lacking in the patience department these days. Pray for my dear sweet husband, and daughter, and anyone else who happens to get on my nerves at any given time! I have a doctor's appointment on Monday morning, so hopefully I'll have some info or news on what our plans will be over the next week (or two?). The good thing is, all this will be over in less than two weeks, so it's not gonna last forever (even though it feels like it might sometimes!). Please pray for us as we are at the end, especially for a healthy baby, and a good transition into being a family of 4! (Whoa! Are we really ready for this?!?) And finally, because every woman who makes it to the end of their pregnancy realizes she's just as beautiful as can be (can you detect my sarcasm?), here are a couple of pictures taken today, at 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Can you say hot momma? :)

P.S. Please excuse the potential "weirdness" of this post, as I am obviously not thinking very clearly these days!
I have to say, it is somewhat encouraging to me that you haven't had your baby yet... because surely I cannot go into labor until after you do!
Can't wait to hear what the doctor says!
Awe, you look so cute...and that belly is full of baby for sure!! Our first was 2 weeks, I kinda thought the same way as you with our second...and figured she may be early. But, no...She waited until just a few hours before her due date. Can't wait to hear that he is here! I'll be praying for a safe and healthy mom and baby boy! Congratulations!
You are a hot mamma! I'll call you this afternoon about Kathryn coming to play. Hope your appt. this morning goes well!
I feel your pain. Annelise was a week late! Finally, when the docs were going to induce me she decided to come. I don't have any great expectations of going early with this pregnancy either. Enjoy your time having just one baby and get some rest :)
Woot woot! ;) You look great. The little guy has his own ideas about when he's ready to be here. And your post is not wierd at all, I think it perfectly portrays that mix of excitement and terror that second time parents-to-bo (who know what they're in for) have. I'll be praying for a healthy delivery and a peaceful transition.
I am in amazament as I look at your look soo good!
I am praying for your appointment..cause your probably there now/soon!
You look great pregnant but I know that you are ready for the arrival of that litle boy. I pray that it will be in the next copule of days. Hope you received good news at your doctor's visit today. love to all.
Hot Mama! Ay,ay,ay Maracay! If I were in person, I would shout "ooh ooh, I'm a girl, I'm a girl" (while rolling my bare right your brother David)
In all seriousness, can I just go ahead and call you "Mamacita"?
Hot Mama! Ay,ay, ay Maracay! If I were there in person, I'd say "ooh, oooh, I'm a girl, I'm a girl" (while waving my bare right shoulder like your brother David)
But in all seriousness, can I call you "Mamacita"?
Hot Mama! Ay,ay, ay Maracay! If I were there in person, I'd say "ooh, oooh, I'm a girl, I'm a girl" (while waving my bare right shoulder like your brother David)
But in all seriousness, can I call you "Mamacita"?
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